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Episode 133 - May

This week we got nostalgic and traveled back to an early 2000’s Los Angeles, tickling our fancy of that special place that yearns for the simplicity of young Anna Ferris and Jeremy Sisto. While there, we also got a fun, hyper-quirky, Dark-with-capital-”D” tale of the titular misanthrope, May. Fitting perfectly into the transition from pre-9/11 tranquility to post-9/11 dark-and-gritty, “May” taps into a strange emptiness that kept us riding those ‘aughtsy vibes, leading to a “rent” from Ryan and a “stream” from Tim.

Where we watched: iTunes rental

May (2002)
Written and Directed by Lucky McKee

RecommenDEADtions: Seconds / The Silencing

JOIN US For Next Week's Film:

Wrong Turn (2021)

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NEW RELEASE ALERT! Also, kick-ass horror film alert! The excitement was flowing for "Saint Maud," our first new release film in a while, and what a joy to get such a crisp, haunting voice added to the horror realm via writer/director Rose Glass' feature film debut.

Hold onto your arms y'all, this is not one to sleep on. "Santa Sangre" comes to us straight from the ether thanks to acclaimed filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky, and his reputation definitely lived up to the hype. With a twinge of Giallo, and an elephant coffin worth of deeply layered commentary, this magical movie is a bloody, trippy, sensual, irreverent piece of art.

Let's travel back over the Pacific to Taiwan for Mon Mon Mon Monsters (and no, we didn't stutter)! This one paid off on the technical front: beautifully shot, cool camera work, and awesome composition. However, we didn't think it quite made the cut on the story side despite there being some very cool subtext, and offering a fresh take on the vampire/zombie/voodoo cursed monster.