Episode 128 - The Body Snatcher


Bela and Boris are at it again! In their final film together Boris takes on more of a lead, and Bela shines as only Bela could in a far lesser role, in this tale of treachery from Robert Louis Stevenson.

Episode 128 - The Body Snatcher

Bela and Boris are at it again! In their final film together Boris takes on more of a lead, and Bela shines as only Bela could in a far lesser role, in this tale of treachery from Robert Louis Stevenson. Excelling at macabre, morbid imagery, along with standout performances, “The Body Snatcher” fell short for us on some of the broader storytelling elements, but compelled us nonetheless with its amazing finale. Earning a “stream” from Tim and a “rent” from Ryan, this may be one that grows on us over time.

Where we watched: Amazon rental

The Body Snatcher (1945)
Directed by Robert Wise
Written by Philip MacDonald and Val Lewton

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Next week’s film:  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide (1931)

Tim Aslin