Episode 154 - Equinox
This week we tackled a lesser known film from 1970, but do not sleep on this one! “Equinox” is, as we discuss, the bridge between “The Blob” and “The Evil Dead,” and for that, is essential viewing in the compendium of horror films. Just— listen, just stop asking questions and watch it, it’s awesome: there is a stop-motion flying devil-demon. It’s so cool in fact that Tim changed his rating from “rent” to “buy” and Ryan stayed with a hearty “rent.” So hike on out to that sunny SoCal forest-desert and give it a watch!
Where we watched: The Criterion Channel
Equinox (1970)
Written and Directed by Jack Woods (and Dennis Muren)
RecommenDEADtions: Old / Prospect
Next week’s film: Les Diaboliques (1955)